Frequently Asked Questions

What is ChaCha?

ChaCha is a human powered search engine, accessible by text, voice, and Internet communications.

Who were the founders of ChaCha?

ChaCha was founded by Scott A. Jones and Brad Bostic.

Where is the company based?

The company's headquarters are located in Carmel, Indiana, a suburb of Indianapolis.

How many Guides are currently employed by ChaCha?

There are approximately 55,000 active Guides throughout the United States — with thousands available online at any time.

Why should I apply to be a ChaCha Guide?

Guiding for ChaCha is a great opportunity to supplement your current income, expand your mind and share your knowledge and expertise.

What exactly makes a ChaCha "Guide"?

ChaCha Guides are curious, professional, technology-savvy people, who enjoy learning new things, sharing their knowledge with others, and being part of a fun, diverse community. Sharp minds are very important, but you do not actually have to be a 'genius' in order to be a Guide. Guides are hard working, driven and technology-oriented people who would like to surf the Internet with a purpose, while making some extra money.

Can I work full time as a ChaCha Guide?

Good question. I consider working at ChaCha to be a source of supplemental income. You would have to work 16+ hours a day, answering questions quickly for it to be a full-time job.

How can I apply for a job at ChaCha?

You can Email me at so I can give you information on how to apply and tips to pass the test!